
Friday, September 16, 2005

What Have I Done?

It seems I've turned Skrambled Ramblings into a photo blog. I just haven't had time to write anything significant, but at least I'm posting something. If I were able to convey to you, the reader, what the last couple of weeks has been like, it would make your head explode. Too much to write about. So, I think I'll use this bullet point option for the first time to mention some of the things I've learnd:

  • Falling asleep at your desk at work is not an acceptable thing to do, and repeatedly getting caught doing so may lead to some awkward meetings with management (no worries, after explaining that it was due to some side effects from some necessary meds that I was adjusting to, all was understood).
  • Some people don't understand that friends have responsibilities to one another, especially on their birthdays. It's not their fault that they're that way, but it is a personal fault nonetheless.

  • I've learned that nothing heals the soul more than forgiveness. I was raised Catholic, but am currently a follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. At any rate, I still believe that we should strive to live as Jesus did, and that means forgiving those who have wronged us. It is one of the hardest things for a person to do.

  • If you accidentally drop your check book in a puddle after arriving late to work, the pages tend to get stuck together and the checks tend to get ruined. Oy vey.

Okay, that's enough with the bullet points. I'll try to write more this weekend, but I'll be running all over the place, and may not have much time. The camera shall accompany me on my adventures.


Being a pirate myself (Lucy McGoldNugget), this disturbs me... those 'approximate' numbers were kinda low.

By Blogger LiVEwiRe, at 12:09 AM  

You're right. I'm a priate too ( a Soul Pirate). There are far more than seventeen of us. Perhaps they meant the number to be 17,000 present. That would make more sense.


By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 3:38 AM  


By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 3:39 AM  

Lol... that's right! You are! And I have to say, your answer to your 'random question' still cracks me up... every time. Whew - glad that number was off... perhaps they did forget the 'k'. We pirates are a rather hearty lot; if they don't agree they can walk the plank! =)

By Blogger LiVEwiRe, at 1:32 PM  

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