
Friday, November 25, 2005


No time for posting (I have to hang out with my bro' while he's still up), but there is always time for Penises in the News. The UPI site that this links to has some stringent rules on republishing their stories, but I think I'm allowed (FAIR USE) to post the first sentence, which says it all:

FREMONT, Calif., Nov. 23 (UPI) -- The Grandmaster of Iron Crotch, Tu Jin-Sheng, strapped his penis to a rental truck and twice pulled it across a Fremont, Calif., parking lot.

Apparently the man is a follower of Qigong, which is part of Chinese medicine, and focuses on breathing techniques. For a well-written description, see this Wiki entry. At any rate, I'm off to see the bro'. I may return tonight, but who knows.


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