
Thursday, December 09, 2004


-----By Slyvia Plath

My thoughts are crabbed and sallow,
My tears like vinegar,
Or the bitter blinking yellow
Of an acetic star.

Tonight the caustic wind, love,
Gossips late and soon,
And I wear the wry-faced pucker of
The sour lemon moon.

While like an early summer plum,
Puny, green, and tart,
Droops upon its wizened stem
My lean, unripened heart.

= Me.

Oh yeah, you can tell I'm in a positive mood. I am an emotional masochist, plain and simple. Why else would I throw everything out the window----defenestrate, if you will----the comfort and stability I knew before by moving 150 miles to be with a woman who's love could turn cold so quickly? It seemed like the right thing to do early on. Everything seemed so right. Now, here I am: away from my family, away from my friends, away from my life as I knew it. Yet, after all the crap she's put me through, I continue to pine for her. How could I be such a sucker?

Bah. I had better stop for today, this isn't helping. Tomorrow I will try to write something positive.


What a lovely (if depressing) poem. Terribly sorry that you're feeling down old chap, but just remember that song out of "The Life of Brian", the one that goes:
'Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it'
Always look on the bright side
of life...
What a morose and simultaneously uplifting song, really. I must say, love is the most difficult of the human emotions to control or have any sort of sway over at all- which makes for a lot of frustration. Sorry again- Ben and Jerry's helps some people with that :).

By Blogger Hans the Destroyer, at 1:44 AM  

Thanks Hannah. What a great song. I am whistling it as I write this. I was thinking booze might help, but since I'm trying to live a more healthy life I think I may go for the ice cream instead. ;-)

By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 8:49 AM  

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