
Friday, October 28, 2005

Bah ha ha ha!!!!

Oh man, it is ever so hard not to look at a train-wreck--or rather, a train going off the rails. The first sitting White House official to come under indictment in over 130 years, Good Old Scooter, could be looking at 30 years behind bars. This is only the begining, my friends.

From the Bloomberg article: Bush said Libby "sacrificed much'' in service to the country.

I thought to myself, "Ummm...yeah. . .like his integrity, his dignity, his sense of honor and decency, his loyalty to America. . ."

The Bush Junta has repeatedly demonstrated that they'll go to any means, however low and cruel, to attain and hold on to power. But this story is about much more than a vindictive (and treasonous) leak of an undercover agent's identity. This goes to the heart of the Bush Junta's argument for invading Iraq.

Ambassador Joe Wilson, the wife of the exposed agent, was becoming an increasingly vocal critic of the Bushies claims of weapons of mass destruction, so they took care of him mafia-style, in the shamelessly corrupt and deceptive ways they do everything.

By doing this sort of thing, they can control the headlines. They changed the headline from "Is the Adminstration Lying About Iraq WMD's?", to "Critic of Administration is married to a CIA Agent". The year is 1984 my friends, and this administration's version of "Freedom" truly is Slavery.

At any rate, I need to stop ranting. G'night all, and please enjoy the lovely trainwreck. Feel free to rubber-neck.


Does he even have the good sense to feel embarrassed?!?!?!

By Blogger LiVEwiRe, at 9:54 PM  

Seriously, it's like, the more corrupt--yet loyal to the Bush Family Mafia--one is, the more one will be supported by these thugs. Ugh. I'm disgusted by our government, and even moreso by our "leader".

By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 1:12 PM  

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