
Thursday, October 20, 2005


I just saw a preview for the movie, "Jarhead", starring Jamie Foxx, and I had to comment quickly. Maybe it'll be a good movie, but I'm quite bothered by the "Jesus Walks" song by Kanye West playing in all the previews. It sort of goes along with the whole crusade or holy war theme of the war in Iraq and the War on Terr-urr.

To anyone in the Muslim world who sees this preview, or this movie, please allow me, the Skrambled One, to assure you that most Americans do not see ourselves as a Christian nation waging a crusade against Moslems. Most of us have read the Davinci Code and are no longer seeking the holy grail.

Here is some recommended reading (found via Buzzflash). It appears that the administrations ship is sinking. . .


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