
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ah Hell

Things are not as I remembered.  Perhaps some things are better left in the past to rot.

But then, as I've learned with my newfound passion--homebrewing--patience is the key.  Sometimes things need to ferment, and then be conditioned over time to perform at their best.

I have a green barleywine, just bottled, which is now flat and boring, but will knock my socks off in several weeks (or months).  All good things in all good time...



Those are some fantastic fur-faces you've got there! But you are right, things will never be as we remember. Even if only a handful of days go by. It can be horribly disappointing or you can take things for what they are now and seek appreciation in that. Which is easier said than done. I hear that pacing yourself with transitions makes it easier but I've never been one to pace anything. It's a rush or full stop. I know the SENSE of handling it otherwise, but this is just me. And you will find your comfort zone. Of that I am certain.

By Blogger LiVEwiRe, at 11:19 PM  

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:00 AM  

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