
Friday, February 25, 2005

On the Brigher Side...

Okay, I just lost an entire post. That really burns me up. Especially since I just posted a nice, positive piece to contrast the dark one below. It looks like it's all darkness today. At any rate, here is a lovely picture I was attempting to insert when I accidentally navigated away from blogger and lost about 600 words:

The post I lost was a wonderful work of shining brilliance,
but it is lost forever.

To sum up, I had a wonderfully terrifying dream, I need to go to Hawaii at some point in this life, and, oh yes, I'm psychic. After I lost what I spent a half hour writing (Curses!), I am now out of time and am heading out for the night.

Good night all.


Grrr... Isn't that the MOST irritating thing ever? When you get the energy/inspiration, you should try to write it again. At least you were going out- hope you had a fun time. And Hawaii is amazing, I really want to go there again- I think I was maybe 9, or 11, hell I don't even remember- when I went there.

By Blogger Hans the Destroyer, at 1:56 PM  

You're so lucky you got to go there! I need to go there at some point in this life.

I don't think I'll try to write it again, but perhaps I'll be inspired to write something new, but just as good.

By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 10:43 PM  

I flippin' hate losing my posts, especially since it's so hard for me to put together anything that makes sense these days...

I feel incredibly sad when I think of all the places I haven't been--Hawaii being one of them. I keep hearing how nice it is from Lohans, and it just makes me want to cry that I never got the chance to go anywhere... I hate my life!

I hope you get the chance skrambly egghead... People deserve good lives.

By Blogger Optimus Skiver, at 7:46 AM  

psh, you make it sound like i ramble on about how wonderous hawaii is...i think i've mentioned it maybe...twice? or so? i honestly don't remember a lot of it. a few memories do remain, and others sometimes randomly come back, but as a whole, i was too young to remember much of it. my grandparents used to live there. that was the only reason we went. meh, anyhoo. we'll get you there some day opti! and you too skrambley!

By Blogger Laura, at 3:47 AM  

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