
Saturday, March 12, 2005

Bored Stiff

Okay, so I'm sitting at home doing nothing on a Saturday night. It's been snowing like crazy all day, but it seems to be slowing down. I planned on sitting home all night because of the weather, but now the snow seems be letting up and I have nothing to do. So I'm stuck here, bored out of my skull, drinking a screwdriver. It looks like this will be a "not much to write about" post.

This morning I scored two tickets to see U2 play in Boston in October. They're behind the stage, but I'm usually pretty good at sneaking into other sections when the seats aren't so good. I'm pretty excited about it. U2 is actually pretty good again. When I was ten years old I had all their albums, then I kind of stopped listening to them around Zooropa, when they got a little weird (imo). But I recently started listening to them again. At any rate, it should be a great show.

I also went out and spent a good portion of my tax return on clothes. I just found out yesterday that I'll have an interview on Monday for that job I applied for several weeks ago, so I needed a few things. Maybe they read my blog and saw that I was getting pissed off about the delay in getting an interview.

Other than that, not too much going on here. Since I'm bored I will likely be on the internet all night, so if I feel like going on a rant I may return. In the meantime, here is this week's installment of Penises in the News (I'm thinking of making it a regular feature). Enjoy!


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