
Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone. I'm down in Connecticut visiting the family at the moment. This afternoon I'll be going to my brother's place for dinner, which should be fun because I haven't seen my niece and nephew since Christmas. I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to at least post something up for the holiday.

I posted the picture of Insane Homer above as a reflection of my current state of mind. I just lost my job last week, so I'm kind of freaking out over here. I have no idea of what's going to happen this week. I may end up getting a call with the temp agency to go to work, but then again I might not. I just interviewed for a job a couple of weeks ago, but they won't be doing the second round of interviews for at least another week. I really hope I get it.

I had the option of going to the customer service department on a temporary basis, but I did that for a few months last summer and I hated it. People just shit all over you in that job. I encourage all of you to be kind to customer service reps on the phone. Most of them make very little money and they have to be a punching bag for angry customers all day. Plus, if you're nice to them, they'll be a lot more likely to pull strings for you to get what you want.

So, I am screwed. Being unemployed for a couple of weeks will fuck up my cash flow in a big way. Oh well, they say necessity is the mother of invention. I'm sure I'll figure something out, and that I'll eventually be much happier than I was in my old job. Once I find out if I got that job that I applied for (within the same company) and after I am safely away from this job, I'll tell you all more about the kind of crap I had to put up with on a daily basis in the Kafkaesque job that I just lost.

Okay, that's it for now. I'm going to try to keep posting faithfully, but I may be too busy job hunting to post as regularly as I have been. Of course, since I'll be unemployed I'll have a lot more time on my hands, but I think I'll feel guilty if I'm wasting time by surfing around the internet and blogging instead of looking for work. We'll just have to see what happens. Once again, Happy Easter!

Oh yeah, one more thing. I also wanted to post a poem. It's not related to Easter, or to anything else, but I like it, so I decided to put it up here. It's my blog, damn it, and I can post anything I want to. Maybe one of these days I'll write some poetry of my own, but for now I'm content to leave it to the experts. At any rate, here 'tis:

Chance Meeting
--by Conrad Aiken (1889-1973)

In the mazes of loitering people, the watchful and furtive,
The shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves,
In the drowse of the sunlight, among the low voices,
I suddenly face you,

Your dark eyes return for a space from her who is with you,
They shine into mine with a sunlit desire,
They say an 'I love you, what star do you live on?'
They smile and then darken,

And silent, I answer 'You too--I have known you,--I love you!--'
And the shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves
Interlace with low voices and footsteps and sunlight
To divide us forever.


Ah, I'm sorry Skrambled one, and a happy Easter to you too. Be sure to eat lots of chocolate- that is sound advice from me. I also liked the poem quite a bit.

By Blogger Hans the Destroyer, at 3:36 PM  

Nice poem... I think I've experienced that.

By Blogger LiVEwiRe, at 5:30 PM  

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