Why Haloscan Sucks Ass
I just removed Haloscan comments from my blog. So, the bad news is that we can no longer view the comments left there for the last two weeks. The good news is that all of my old comments in the archive are visible once again.I installed Haloscan because of Blogger's commenting issues, but I've decided I don't like it very much. You have to pay for premium service in order to have notifications sent to your email address that someone has left a comment. I refuse to pay any money for my blog, so that wasn't going to happen. It may not seem like a big deal, but I regularly get comments on old posts from months ago, and without the email notification I might never notice that one was left.
Another frustration was that Haloscan gives you the option of saving a backup of your old template before installing Haloscan. The link to revert to my old template disappeared, so in order to revert to Blogger comments I had to do some research and to paste code in myself, and remove all the Haloscan codes. Hopefully I didn't fuck my template up.
And lastly, there is no email support available for issues like the one I mentioned above. Just a crappy forum with snotty geeks giving useless replies. All in all, I would definitely not recommend Haloscan.
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