
Monday, August 15, 2005


Oh man, I feel a rant coming on. I just read this article, written by the aunt of a marine killed in Iraq (found via buzzflash). I was struck by this line:

"Think, too, about naming a campaign 'Shock and Awe' as if it's a movie and, therefore, unreal. And then think that this, perhaps. is one of the problems."

I've thought about this a lot over the last year and a half or so. We did all watch the bombing campaign as if it were a movie (or at least everyone I knew). In the weeks and months leading up to the war we were told that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that he continued to produce them. The administration did everything they could to make the American public believe that Iraq was linked to September 11th.

I'll admit, with a bit of shame, that they had me fooled for a while. I was initially opposed to this war (before the war) because I was worried that Saddam would unleash a holocaust of chemical and biological agents and kill millions of people. Okay, fine, I admit it. I was wrong. Are you happy now? I was duped into--not supporting--but consenting to this war, to this atrocity. For that I am sorry. But the liars in charge are damn good at what they do.

War wasn't necessary. The United States survived the Cold War, even after fifty long years. If we could deal with the fear of total annihilation of the entire planet, we could easily contain one punk in the third world. And, as we have learned, there were no weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was, in fact, contained by the policies that were set in place.

So, while we watched the bombs bursting in air, just like the Fourth of July, why didn't we think about the thousands of lives being destroyed? Bloodlust, spawned by men in power bent on war, had overcome. We watched the fireworks. . .the mushroom clouds filling the sky. This was the great and powerful America, saving the world from the menace of Iraq. Puh-leez. The effect that this thirst for blood had on the psyche of America, and on much of the world, is incalculable.

The good thing about living in a democracy, in theory, is that we get to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, and most especially for their lies. Shocking though it was that Bush was not held to account in this past election, the American public will eventually catch on. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the People are finally awakening. And they are cranky. Accountability is such a bitch.


The republicans are geniuses at manipulating the masses via the media. They don't wanna discuss the lack of WMDs and WHY we are still losing lives overseas... so they focused on the religious right and made the whole damned election about abortion and gay-marriage. I know life-long democrats who voted relubican this past election for those reasons alone. It really upsets me, but it's very hard to debate who reduces an important election down to "moral" issues... they don't want talk about oil interests and who's making money off this stupid fucking war, they just want to make sure all the unwanted babies live but ensure that Tim and Lance can't adopt any of those unwanted babies.

By Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today, at 11:55 PM  

As always, skrambled, a very powerful post and links.

War wasn't necessary. in the political sphere, the war was very necessary is Bush had any chance of re-election, because they couldn't even find "one punk in the third world" - even if he was more than 6ft tall on a dialysis machine.

even that back-fired, so that they had to take attention away from the war and make the election a contest of moral righteousness.

they just want to make sure all the unwanted babies live but ensure that Tim and Lance can't adopt any of those unwanted babies. - rachael, that was brilliant!!

By Blogger mysfit, at 11:09 AM  

I was watching Fox News last night (I know, I know, my blood pressure...) and couldn't help but notice how their coverage of Ms Sheehan (who if nothing else is at least becoming a focus for your anti-war movement) was grotesquely personal in its tone, with accusations of her lying about a previous meeting with W, stories of her being disowned by her family etc.. You always know an argument is won when your opponant resorts to personal abuse. I hope she sticks with it.

For any UK readers, the next anti war demo is in London on Sept 24th. See you there.

"Everybody knows that the Fox News Channel is merely a wing of the Republican Party, and its viewers use it the same way a drunk uses a lamp post -- for support, not illumination." --James Carville, Crossfire, 11/21/02

By Blogger phylos, at 9:08 AM  

Mysfit's right Rachael, that was brilliant. I posted a link a while back to an article in the Boston Globe about a detailed study showing that most of the states scrambling to "protect the institution of marriage" from the likes of Tim and Lance had the highest divorce rates. Alabama, that bastion of family values, had the highest divorce rate, whereas Massachusetts, land of the Sodomites, had the lowest divorce rate. Family values my ass.

I know Heidi, I became physically ill too. My brother was a medic in the army for six years. Thank god he got out before the Bush regime took over. I can't imagine the pain that losing him in a war would have caused.

Thanks for the compliment Mysfit! I love stuff like that :-). And thanks for the compliment on my picture below. You and Jenn take great pics too. The Tourist is a veritable art gallery.

Beelze, at times I'm sure I'd agree with you. But I still have some faith in the conscience of America. Just look at all the coverage Cindy Sheehan is getting. The more the wingers try to attack and smear this woman (which they continue to do), the more they alienate themselves from the silent, peaceful majority of America. I have to believe that most Americans are against corruption, war, imperialism, torture, etc. We have to have hope Beelze, if only to maintain a shred of sanity in these Orwellian times.

Phylos, I guess it's okay to watch Fox once in while, if only to know your enemy. Newshounds is a good site. They "watch Fox so you don't have to." As for the smear campaign against Ms. Sheehan, I'm fairly certain that it will backfire in the faces of the wingers. But then again, the smear campaign against John Kerry worked pretty well in our election last November. I wish I could join you in London, my favorite city on earth.

Okay, so I ended up ranting even more in the comments section. I don't know if I'll have time for an actual post tonight, but I'll see if I can squeeze it in.

By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 8:56 PM  

nonononononono - oh god no - if it comes down to something like letting bush have a third term - there will be riots and civil war (most likely) and if there isn't i'm getting the fuck out because there will be nothing left of the country that i believed in (despite its mistakes)

Family values my ass. - too true skrambled, but the issue should not be taken away from family values, but should be refocussed on what family values are really important:like love, caring, morals, etc. And away from foolish notions like: kids of gay parents are moraless and gay; and straight parents are necessarily moral. history and our society proves both of these ideas as clearly misguided, why can't our politicians get it?

Beez - i know the feeling, man. not enough people care, or realize or think or... but if i stop, that's one less.

By Blogger mysfit, at 1:57 PM  

Luke, welcome to the blog! I've seen some of your stuff on FM's wonderful page. Thank god Bush can't run again. American presidents are limited to two terms in office (ever since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, at any rate). However, there are other members of the Bush clan with presidential aspirations, as well as countless other Bush followers who would be just as bad, if not worse, than Bush. It's very disheartening.

Mysfit, Beelze, et al, I kind of think (well, I know) that most women aren't in favor of war. I know there are some loony, rightwing women out there, but I think that most women are opposed to violence. Maybe it's something about your maternal nature or something. I think women of the world should unite, and go on strike. No sex for husbands, boyfriends, casual acquaintances, strangers, etc. until all wars cease. Even if your man (or woman, if that's what you're into) is against the war, no sex. That way, he (or she) will become a much more vocal critic. What do you guys think?

By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 6:24 PM  

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