
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Kill Your Television

It's been a few days since my last post, but I think I should be posting daily again now. Work has been stressful and busy, and I haven't even had any time after hours to work on my resume like I had planned to. I'm starting to get caught up on everything though.

I tried to watch the state of the union speech last night, but I only lasted about ten minutes before I defenestrated my television in a fit of rage. It smashed into a million pieces on the ground below, but it still wasn't enough to satisfy me. I then proceeded to go outside, douse the pieces with gasoline, and set the pile on fire. Still seething with furious anger, I drew my pistol and began firing rapidly at the flaming mass of melting plastic. After emptying three clips, I finally started to feel a little bit better.

Okay, so that didn't really happen. What did happen is that I attempted to watch it at Mary's house, and she got so fed up with me yelling at the television that she changed the channel after about ten minutes. I was yelling, "Liar!" and "Bullshit!" over and over, with various cursing in between. After she changed the channel she said she didn't want to listen to him because it upsets her to hear him, and she was sick of listening to me. I got mad and told her that the reason Bush has been able to get away with murder (quite literally) is because people like her always change the channel.

So I don't feel qualified to offer any significant comment on his speech. I will say, however, that his fear mongering over Social Security is total bullshit. He is attempting to use the language of crisis to scare people into supporting a risky scheme that will only serve to pump money into Wall Street and will in all likelihood leave millions of senior citizens in poverty. This has nothing to do with saving Social Security, and everything to do with giving money to Wall Street to increase the profits of the already wealthy. This is corporate welfare.

Bush has no credibility on anything, and nothing he says should be taken at face value. If anyone reading this still has faith in anything that comes out of Bush's mouth, I have a lovely house in a quaint little city called Fallujah that I would like to sell to you. Just send $10,000 via PayPal to Skrambled@gmail.com, and I promise I'll mail the deed to you. What's the matter, don't you believe me?


Ah lovely rant. Yes, I nearly defenstrated my TV as well. But I'm puny now and my TV is rather large. I got through about ten minutes before my parents yelled at me to come eat dinner. I had already eaten dinner (my continuing efforts at vegetarianism) but I had to go down there to appease them anyway, because if I didn't I'd get yelled at... Sorry for that mini story, back to the rant at hand- I fully agree with you. And the part about creating a land where women were "respected" I was amazed at. Does that not contradict a certain debatable belief among right-wingers... something about some sort of choice...

By Blogger Hans the Destroyer, at 3:50 PM  

...and what was that crap about "a culture of life"? He values life so much that he feels the need to start a *war*. He could at least leave Roe v. Wade alone until he's finished ruining the lives of people abroad.

By Blogger Kevin, at 10:42 PM  

You both make very good points. Bush has written the book on hypocrisy.

This is only vaguely related, but I was thinking about Bush's "culture of life" when I heard this:


By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 10:47 AM  

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