
Tuesday, March 15, 2005

War Profiteering

In a post last week I brought up the issue of Halliburton (and subsidiary KBR) over-charging American taxpayers by over $61 million dollars for fuel it was importing into Iraq. I don't remember the last time I heard anyone mention this scandal, but all of a sudden it seems to be coming alive once again. Could it be I have an audience with some members of Congress? I doubt it, but my timing is impeccable.

Rep. Henry Waxman has just released excerpts from a classified Defense Department audit report showing that Halliburton over-charged American taxpayers by more than $108 million dollars. Here is the story. In one example, Halliburton charged $27.5 million dollars to import $87,100 worth of fuel. Is there any business in the world other than war-profiteering that can earn that kind of return?

This audit was completed last October, but was withheld from Congress and the public, most likely to keep it from influencing the election. Waxman received the report through "unofficial channels," because the Stalinist Bush regime and their lackeys in the Pentagon have refused to release the report. This letter from Waxman and Rep. John Dingell details the efforts which congress has made to gain access to the report and the lying and stonewalling conducted by the Bush regime to avoid releasing it.

Halliburton has received over $10 billion worth of no-bid contracts in the Iraq war. They have been screwing over both the American people and the Iraqi people for the last two and a half years, but the Bush administration will do nothing because it is their good friends at Dick Cheney's old company. This is an outrage on a monumental scale. The Bush regime doesn't feel that the American public has the right to know that we've been had.

Okay, I'm done ranting for now.


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