
Tuesday, March 01, 2005


The Department of Fear-Mongering and Distractions, also known as the Dept. of Homeland Security, has issued yet another vague, non-specific terror warning. In case you haven't noticed, these non-specific threats always seem to coincide with really bad news. In this case, the bad news is that as of yesterday, over 1,500 American troops have died in the war in Iraq. (Here are the stats, from a site I won't link to because I don't want government spooks tracing back to my link, though they could probably do it anyways: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq_casualties.htm ).

Look, I'm not saying that there aren't terrorists out there who want to kill Americans. I don't have to be a CIA agent to know that bin Laden and Zarqawi (if he even exists) would like to attack American interests everywhere in the world. I'm just saying that it is fairly obvious that the Bush administration issues non-specific terror threats in order to spread fear and to divert people's attention from the real stories. What other purpose could these useless warnings serve, when no local and state security agencies can do anything in response to a non-specific warning.

I was watching CNN this morning. Instead of having a ten minute long tribute to the 1,508 soldiers who died in Iraq as of yesterday, they had a ten minute long segment talking about the non-specific terror threat. The entire report was a regurgitation of government press releases. CNN basically ends up reporting only what the White House wants them to, and nothing else. CNN.com doesn't even have a story on their page right now in tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives for a war started under false pretenses. By becoming a mouthpiece for the White House, CNN and the other cable news networks are complicit in this horrible war, and they bear almost as much reponsibility for all the deaths as Bush himself.

Of course, if there were an attack tomorrow, people would say to me, "You were wrong! You didn't believe there was a threat!" I am not saying there aren't terrorists and others who would like to attack America. There are threats, but these threats existed before September 11, 2001 as well. I would like to think that our government did everything they could to prevent attacks back then too, but perhaps they didn't do all they could have. At any rate, they didn't have to exploit people's fears in order to protect us, and they don't need to do it now. The only purpose it serves is to cow the American public into a state of fear and subservience.

Let's all think of the more than 1,500 American soldiers who died because of Bush's war. They all had names, families, hopes, dreams, and a future. They deserve to be remembered.


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