I just looked at my site meter and saw that I just went over 3,000 visitors, which is pretty cool. As I've said at previous milestones, I'm sure that at least 80% of them were from me checking in ten times a day, but that's okay. I'm still going to celebrate and pretend that I'm a popular blogger.
At the moment I'm home alone on a Saturday night. I had plans to go out, but my friend cancelled on me at the last minute. Now I'm just pissed off. Really pissed off. This friend could have told me two hours ago, but chose to wait until 9:00. Now it's too late for me to find something else to do. Arrrrr....I'm starting to seeth again.
I have just been really depressed today, and I don't know why. I was feeling down before my friend blew me off, so that made my mood even worse. But I have to say that anger feels better than depression. I suppose it's easier to blame some else for your mental state through anger than to blame yourself through depression. Yes, being mad at someone else feels much better than hating yourself. So, I will cling to my anger until I feel willing to forgive (which will probably be tomorrow morning).
I suppose I should be happy, since I'm starting a new job on Monday. Things will be changing drastically, and I just need to keep reminding myself that I'm in a fucked up transition period right now, but things will get easier.
Okay, that's engough venting for now. I may return later if I think of anything to write about.
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