
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Let's Not Break Out the Champagne Just Yet

I must say that I'm encouraged by recent events in the Plame case. Could this be a sign that the Washington press corps is returning to the business of journalism? Karl Rove was the subject of a recent rant, and it now appears that his goose is cooked. For those unfamiliar with the name, he is just about the most powerful unelected person in the world. And he is pure evil.

However, like all men in history who've sought to rule the world, hubris has been his undoing. Or at least that's the way it now appears. This story is a bit complicated, so I'm sure that most of the public won't fully understand it, but all people really need to know is that Karl Rove (and whoever else in the Bush administration may have been involved) jeopardized national security by blowing the cover of a CIA agent in an effort to discredit that agent's husband, who was becoming too vocal of a critic of the war of agression in Iraq.

This was an utter abuse of power, but what's worse is that this is exactly the kind of thing we've come to expect from the thugs of the repuglican party. And furthermore, we've come to expect all the good little repuglicans to toe the party line and defend Rove's indefensible actions. This is why they're so often compared to fascists. It's not about right or wrong for the repugs, or about having "moral values, " no matter what they say. It's about saying and doing whatever is necessary to maintain their grip on power.

There are good republicans out there, don't get me wrong, but I'd just like to see a lot more of them stand up for what's right, especially when someone on their side is dead wrong. Oh well, I have a feeling that -- to used a mixed metaphor -- all his GOPig buddies will be jumping ship and throwing him to the wolves (or, er, um, sharks) before all is said and done.


Bush also calls Rove "Turd Blossom," which is just about the strangest nickname I've ever heard. (Well, actually, there was a girl in my dorm in college who was known as "Poop Chute", but I know how she got that name.)

By Blogger Skrambled Egghead Reborn, at 4:19 PM  

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