How Cool is This?
Let me just say once again that I have way too much time on my hands. I just found this site, and you'll notice if you click your mouse anywhere on this page (after it has loaded completely) that a colorful display appears. The code can be obtained by clicking on "cursor effects" on the left. I'm thinking it'll be a cool effect to have since I tend to include a lot of links. (NOTE: the effect may not work with Netscape. In fact, it may only work with Explorer, but I'm not sure. If any geeks out there know more about Javascript than I do, please feel free to share your knowledge with me. I'm new at this.)There's another effect I tried to use which makes a trail behind the mouse, but I found that it was taking forever for the page to load when I included it. Plus, it can be a little obnoxious to include too many tricks like that. See Little Boy for an example of Javascript overkill. At first I thought Little Boy was a CIA agent (or Iranian agent??) who got his name from one of the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan, but now I think he might actually be a kid in Iran. He was going around posting the same comment in people's blogs all over the world, complimenting their blogs (and mine) and inviting people to come to his. He posted the same comment in broken English, regardless of what language the site was in. It seems to have worked because tons of people came and commented in his blog. His site is sketchy as hell, at any rate.
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