It Am the American Way
Jesus Christ people. Here is another tale from Bizarro World. The Bush administration is fighting a court battle against members of the United States military who were tortured by Saddam Hussein's regime. The soldiers were awarded around a billion dollars, which is a bit much, but Bush's lawyers are fighting to keep them from receiving any compensation at all, not even a reduced settlement. That's right, Bush is fighting tooth and nail against U.S. soldiers who were tortured. I thought he supports the troops. WTF??? Perhaps they're worried that they might have to pay out billions of dollars to all the victims of American torture.
In other news, the senate voted in favor of the "Class Action Fairness Act", which is really fair to companies that will have less of a chance of being held accountable for conducting business in ways that kills people, makes them sick, or otherwise ruins their lives. Thank god we have congress to protect corporations who kill people. This was passed in the wake of several indictments for employees of W.R. Grace, who (allegedly) knowingly deceived workers about the dangers posed not only to them, but to everyone in town, where thousands have fallen ill and hundreds have died as a direct result of exposure to asbestos released into the air by the company. (Here is another good article, and here is Molly Ivins's take on it). Umm...Senators...Fuck You All!!!
I'm exhausted and need to get to bed, but here is one more story from Bizarro World. Bush's new budget assumes that congress will make his tax cuts for rich pigs permanent while cutting funding for children of low income families, food stamps, the police, farmers, and oh so much more. What the fuck is wrong with people who think Bush is looking out for them? Unless you make over $150,000 a year, you are on the losing end. And even if you make more than that, you lose because society loses. We all lose with Bush.
That's it for now. I'm all fired up but I need to go to sleep. Maybe I'll dream of a world that makes sense.
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